Thursday, December 16, 2010

The First Space Travel Agency is Booking Trips Now!

Trips are being booked!  Launch time is approaching!  You too can go to Space, all you need is a big wallet!  There is a company that has already sent people into Space and to the International Space Station using Russian launch vehicles. has sent up 8 people so far.  They have training available and are booking Zerogravity, Suborbital, Orbital, and Lunar trips.  Are you ready to go to Space?  Do you have a spare million dollars?  As more and more companies make this available to the paying public, the cost will come down.  That is expected.  But, the cost has a long ways to go before the average person is able to take advantage of it.  The rich and the occaisional lottery winner will be the most likely Astronaught for a few years.  Space Adventures is there to book your trip.

I hope the price evetually comes down to $5,000 - $10,000. Take the pole on the right side. Let's find out what the public is willing to pay for a trip to space.

I have heard rumors that a Japanese company is planning to have Suborbital trips for $10,000.  I think on my next post I will explore the costs that budding Commercial Space companies are proposing.

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